When is it Okay to Call it Quits?

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Growing up, this was an adage that pricked my ears many a time. In fact, now that I think about it, there’s even a song that goes with it by the Bahamian Singer/Songwriter Phil Stubbs talking to children about hard work:”‘Though you stumble off boys/Never be downcast./Try and try again, boys,/You’ll succeed at last.” There is no question as to whether or not our society placing value on hard work. Sure, not everyone may be willing to do it, but its guaranteed that once done (or in some cases, when neglected), it is noted. Some of us are still trying to get that promotion at work, others seven years later are still trying to complete college (after  switching majors three times), still adamant at losing that last ten pounds, still trying to get to be Lisa’s ‘color’, and let’s be real, still running after the baby daddy of our two kids even though he is now engaged.

We all have dreams and aspirations, some of which we have never been shared with anyone else in fears of them being stomped out. The question is ” when is it okay to call it quits?” Is it really ever okay to do so? One opinion, especially from the religious and spiritual community is that once you have breath in your body, the battle to succeed should never be forfeited. But could our own individual perseverance be attributed to the fact that no one wants to be called a quitter (unless we’re talking about drug abuse)? Is there a space in the subconscious that screams “Julie-Ann, you know he never ga’ leave dat tramp” that goes ignored and so we go on cooking, cleaning, and being intimate with him in a hope to one day be not his number one, but his one and only?

Now don’t get me wrong! Some of the greatest accomplishments made in the history of mankind were wrought only through someone never giving up- the invention of the light-bulb, play-station 3, microfiber :p And you just may be the person who pulls through and accomplishes their big dream! However, loosely put,  you just may NOT be the sperm to make it to the egg. I know that I am glad that I continued though will my schooling even when I felt like giving up, because I can now say that I have met some of my educational goals. Life is full of paths and sometimes, you walk halfway down one road only to realize that you were just following the traffic and that really wasn’t the way for you. No wonder you kept stumbling.

Some of us have persevered, just in the wrong directions! I have found that without a quitting point, there can never be a repositioning.  Hence again the question, when is it okay to call it quits?

2 comments on “When is it Okay to Call it Quits?

  1. A-Tect says:

    I have to say for your first post, you came out swingin!
    I liked that you touched on a lot of major things in one go and that you didn’t even begin to shy away from anything controversial.
    It was real and honest,but not brutally so.
    Also I agree with your train of thought that people sometimes don’t know when to call it quits and just be satisfied with what and who they are sometimes. Not everyone is meant to be a doctor,lawyer, a size 2 or “mango skinned” you are who you are and once people realize that and are okay with themselves progress can begin.
    Now that doesn’t mean one should settle for mediocrity or be satisfied with just barely getting by. However, people,especially Bahamians need to learn to be satisfied with what they have.
    anyway my mini rant is over
    once again great post keep it up!

  2. That was a nice read. I await the next post. Its okay to call it quits when all evidence tells us that our objective isnt realistic based on the history, science, and probability of that particular situation.

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